The Agency Texas

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Happy World Water Day! Here Are Helpful Austin Water & Recreation Resources You May Not Know About

You are lucky to already live in or around Austin! If you are thinking about moving to the Austin area, here are some resources about our water systems to know about:


There are 27,405 city maintained fire hydrants in Austin. That's a lot of water piped throughout our city to serve a growing population of homes that depend on access to clean, affordable, and healthy water.

  • 61% of water demand is met through surface water.
  • 65% demand is municipal, 27% irrigation.
  • By 2050, the local population is expected to grow 70%. Municipal water use is expected to rise to 74% for manufacturing, with irrigation falling to 19%.

The City of Austin uses water conservation efforts per location, and if you are thinking about buying a home, you should know your watering days! Also, here is what you can expect to pay for your bills if you are:


If you want to do your part to help conserve and protect Austin's pristine water, here are incentives and tools to help:


Water is one of the big elements attracting more people to Austin! The beautiful Colorado river that runs through the city is just the beginning! When looking for your next home, here are water recreation sources to consider:

The Agency Austin team is here to help you find the perfect home and they can answer your questions about water, utilities, zoning, schools, communities... you name it! Contact us today to find your perfect place, or sign up for news updates and keep informed of valuable Austin real estate updates.